Farewell Speeches of Senators Clay and Fitzpatrick, from Alabama, January 21st, 1861 |
C. Clay (1816--1882) was born in Huntsville and entered the Senate in
1853. During the Ciivil War he also served as a Senator from
Alabama, and in 1864 was sent to Canada to co-ordinate pro-Confederate
activities in the Upper Midwest. For this reason he was
suspected of involvement in the Lincoln assassination and was
held for some time in Fort Monroe. After his realease he returned
To Huntsville and the practice of law. Benjamin Fitzpatrick (1802--1869) was born in Georga but moved to Alabama with his sister in 1815, after their parents died. He entered the bar in 1821 and became active in politics, serving as Governor (1841--1845) before being appointed to the Senate in 1848 and then again in 1853. He was briefly considered to be the Vice-Presidential candidate for the Douglas Democratic tick, but that place went to Herschel Johnson of Georgia. After leaving the Senate in 1861 Fitzpatrick returned to Alabama but was not active in Confederate affairs. |
Mr. Clay. I rise to announce, in behalf of my colleague
and myself, that the people of Alabama, assembled in convention at their
capitol on the 11th of this month, have adopted an ordinance whereby they
withdrew from the Union, formed under a compact styled the Constitution of the
United States, resume the powers delegated to it, and assume their separate
station as a sovereign and independent people.
This is the act, not of faction or of party, but of the people. True, there is a respectable minority of that
convention who opposed this act, not because they desired to preserve the In taking this momentous step, they have not acted hastily or unadvisedly. It is not the eruption of sudden, spasmodic, and violent passion. It is the conclusion they have reached after years of bitter experience of enmity, injustice, and injury, at the hands of their Northern brethren; after long and painful reflection; after anxious debate and solemn deliberation; and after argument, persuasion, and entreaty have failed to secure them their constitutional rights. Instead of causing surprise and incurring censure, it is rather matter of amazement, if not reproach, that they have endured so much and so long, and have deferred this act of self-defense until to-day. It is now nearly forty-two years
since And to aggravate the insult which is offered us in demanding equality with us for our slaves, the same platform denies us equality with Northern white men or free negroes, and brands us as an inferior race, by pledging the Republican party to resist our entrance into the Territories with our slaves, or the extension of slavery, which—as its founders and leaders truly assert—must and will effect its extermination. To crown the climax of insult to our feelings and menace of our rights, this party nominated to the Presidency a man who not only indorses the platform, but promises, in his zealous support of its principles, to disregard the judgments of your courts, the obligations of your Constitution, and the requirements of his official oath, by approving any bill prohibiting slavery in the Territories of the United States. A large majority of the Northern people have declared at the ballot-box their approval of the platform and the candidates of that party in the late presidential election. Thus, by the solemn verdict of the people of the North, the slaveholding communities of the South are 'outlawed, branded with ignominy, consigned to execration, and ultimate destruction.' Sir, are we looked upon as more
or less than men? Is it expected that we
will or can exercise that godlike virtue which “beareth all things, believeth all
things, hopeth all things, endureth all things;” which teaches us to love our
enemies, and bless them that curse us? Are
we devoid of the sensibilities, the sentiments, the passions, the reason, and
the instincts of mankind? Have we no
pride of honor, no sense of shame, no reverence of our ancestors, no care of
our posterity, no love of home, or family, or friends? Must we confess our baseness, discredit the
fame of our sires, dishonor ourselves, degrade our posterity, abandon our
homes, and flee from our country, all for the sake of the They have learned from history the admonitory truth, that the people who live under Governors appointed against their consent by unfrieridly foreign or confederate States, will not long enjoy the blessings of liberty, or have the courage to claim them. They feel that were they to consent to do so, they would lose the respect of their foes and the sympathy of their friends. They are resolved not to trust to the hands of their enemies the measure of their rights. They intend to preserve for themselves, and to transmit to their posterity, the freedom they received from their ancestors, or perish in the attempt. Cordially approving this act of my Mother State, and acknowledging no other allegiance, I shall return, like a true and loyal son, to her bosom, to defend her honor, maintain her rights, and share her fate. Mr. Fitzpatrick. Mr. President, I rise merely to add, that
having had an opportunity of knowing beforehand the sentiments which my
colleague has expressed; and believing that they fairly represent the feelings,
opinions, and purposes of our constituents, and correctly explain the reason
and causes of their late action, he was fully warranted in saying he had my
full concurrence in the views which he has just submitted. I therefore deem it unnecessary, if not
improper, to abuse the privilege which the courtesy of the Senate accords to
me, by further remarks. I feel that I am
bound by the act of |
Back to Causes of the Civil War (Main page) Back to Congressional Speeches and Commentary Source: Thomas Martin, The Great Parliamentary Battle and Farewell Addresses of the Southern Senators on the Eve of the Civil War, Neale Publ. Co., New York, 1905, pp. 201--207; available on the Internet Archive, here; see also Congressional Globe, 36th Congress, 2nd Session, pp. 486--487. Date added to website: Feb. 13, 2023 |